Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Burning Child

You left me in the morning when the sky was turning gray,  

Slipped out like a whisper, like you had nothing more to say.  

No note, no explanation, just the echo of your name,  

And here I am, a child, left alone to bear the shame.  

Did you think I wouldn’t notice, that I wouldn’t even care?  

Did you think I’d just forget, like you were never there?  

But your absence carved a wound, a scar that doesn’t fade,  

And I’ve spent days in silence, choking on the blade.  

I grow up with questions that no one could explain,  

A heart full of anger, soaked in bitter pain.  

Where were you when I needed arms to hold me tight?  

Where were you when the nightmares haunted me at night?   

Did you ever think of me, or did you block me out?  

Erase me from your memory, erase me from your doubt?  

But I am not so fragile, I won’t be cast aside—  

I am the storm you left behind, I’m anger’s fierce tide.  

So here’s to you, the ghost who walks the halls of my past,  

The mother who abandoned, who never thought to ask.  

I don’t need your reasons, I don’t need your lies—  

Just know you built this fire, see it burning in my eyes.  

I’ll rise from what you left, stronger than before,  

A girl who found her power in a mother’s open door.  

And when you look back, if you ever dare to see,  

Know that it was you who made this fire inside me.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Promises To Keep

My children, in your eyes I find my light,  

Two stars that guide me through the darkest days,  

In every smile, you banish every night,  

And fill my world with hope's unending rays.

Though paths are steep, and I have walked alone,  

Your laughter lifts the weight I bear with grace,  

In every step, you’ve made this house a home,  

And in your love, I’ve found my sacred place.

A father's heart, though weary, beats for you,  

Through all the trials, I stand to see you grow,  

For in your joy, I find a strength anew,  

A love that only we three could ever know.

So here I vow, with all my soul and might,  

To guard your dreams, my son, my daughter bright.

She The Woman

Oh, woman of the silent night,  

Your hands have toiled without applause,  

In shadows deep, away from light,  

You gave your all, without a pause.

The world has turned its gaze away,  

No laurels cast upon your brow,  

Yet day by day, you fight and stay,  

Without a word, without a vow.

You bear the weight of others' dreams,  

With steadfast heart, though few may see,  

The quiet strength that softly gleams,  

The fierce resolve to simply be.

For all the deeds that go unsung,  

For every tear you do not show,  

Your worth, to which no words have clung,  

Is more than you could ever know.

So here’s an ode to what’s unsaid,  

To every task you’ve done alone,  

Though thanks are few, and praise has fled,  

You are the rock, the cornerstone.

Oh thankless one, you stand so tall,  

Though shadows cling, and light seems rare,  

Your spirit, it surpasses all,  

A beacon strong, beyond compare.

When The Dawn Turned Dark

Oh Mother, where did your whispers fade?  

In the cold of night, I searched for your light,  

In the shadows, I traced the warmth that strayed,  

Yet the echoes of you were lost in flight.

Were your arms a fleeting dream,  

A tender lullaby sung to the moon?  

I longed for your touch, a golden gleam,  

But morning came, and it was gone too soon.

Did you leave to chase the stars,  

Or did the wind carry you away?  

I stand alone, with these silent scars,  

Your love, a distant ghost in gray.

Yet in my heart, your name still beats,  

Though your face is but a blur.  

I gather strength from the incomplete,  

For in the void, I find who I am, and were.

Oh Mother, though your path has strayed,  

And you left me in the night,  

I rise, a flower in the glade,  

Seeking the sun, finding my own light.