Sunday, May 13, 2012

Top Secret


Anyone, just anyone who has entered a government office in India would recognize these files. "Put up the file" you can hear the head scream as the clerical staff murmur choicest bad words in return. Then the files pile up and you know the rest of the story... that never ending story of delay and red tapism in the government machinery. Thanks to the Brits who thought us documentation. Another click from a government office I was earlier working (or rather not working) in filed, framed and put up. Hahaha! Wish my Commissioner doesn't get to see this...


Bhavana said...

at least it is color coded:)

Fredjeev said...

@Bhavana: Yep, colourful enough to keep it black and white with no use of grey matter whatsoever...

AS said...

thats the logo of the 'babudom' that's sadly is prevalent even till date

Fredjeev said...

@AS: Yes you are right. The formalities and everything that goes with it. Tied all up...

M'Bai Madrasi said...

yep, these are an usual sight for every Indian! after all every story here ends up in these dusty files ,jus to be kept red taped and never opened!

Fredjeev said...

@The Madrasi: yet it moves...