Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Case Similar

Like many of you, the Suchana Seth Case has gotten my attention too. In fact, it is closely watched as it has a lot of similarity to things that bother me these days. For instance:

1. The outcome of what a bunch of legal manipulators and a so called therapist were capable of achieving at the end of a war kindled between a husband and wife - eventually the death of a child

2. The guiltless detachment outside forces were able to bring about between a mother and child - as if that was an achievement(!)

3. The selfish, self-centered and self-indulging self-absorption of a woman elevated as empowerment and elevation of a woman - that moves her to a quicksand pitted by her for her own drowning

4. The helpless suffering of the child crushed by the ruthlessness of not just the mother... yet by the entire system - legal as well as family - that seems to go under hiding when the lifeless child was lowered into the pit

5. The attempt to play the 'victim card' throughout by the woman in an attempt to stereotype and corner the man even after being caught redhanded with blood dripping from her hands

6. The pattern and template used by the legal team of the murderer that is cut, copied and pasted into every case they handle in their attempt to provide 100% guarantee (as advertised in their portfolios in social media) for separation of spouses is not just funny yet also plain stupid and pathetic when the context, the environment and the strength of the enemy is undermined that is going to whack their face like stepping on a hoe

7. Who will be answering the rest of the questions from the ghost of a child who did not get a chance to wake up from his sleep...

Some mothers try to claim a child as a right they have gained through their womb while others claim it as a right gained through their heart. Gaslighting, as a game played by manipulators to convince women into traps outside the context of reality for their own implicit reasons, is understood by many - and the predictability of such games played by third-rate idiots is not just too boring yet also too easy a deal to be dealt with. Finally, the woman to claim that she was used to play along, when she understands that she is in a tight-corner or a fix, is not to be bought, as the decision to play or not to play or to choose others to play on her behalf, was a decision that she made and that aloof sense of elation needs to be put in its place. 

No person is indispensable - at work and at home - sooner the better if everyone can understand that before it is too late and others move on too. Time and tide wait for none and no one can cross the same river twice and it is wise if a red carpet is respected before it is rolled back in forever. As a man, it is pertinent to remain at peace and refrain from the unreasonable and unrealistic fantasy they try to drown you in; compelling yourself to not become the monster they try to create you into; whilst refusing to be neither the victim nor the perpetrator, the attempts and efforts to remould you into something they want you to be for their own convenience, thus becomes a futile effort - as wasted and useless as their own life. At the end of the day, do you think you are not being watched and have you ever heard the prayers of weeping children(?)       

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