The first time I tried the Sashmi, as my friends and I were waiting for our order to be served, I watched a Man in a chair in the next table shoot backward from his chair (literally) like as if he just had a rocket in his mouth. His eyes started to tear and he scuffled for water, water and more water. I did not understand. "Why make a scene?!" I wondered. "Amateurs!" Duh. Moments soon, our plates or rather tiny bowls were in place and everything placed where it should be. And like a typical South Indian who has plenty of everything without knowing any and that too with the epitome of confidence, I too proceeded to layer my sushi with that little white piece which later I came to be introduced to as ginger and then plunged the sashimi, ginger into a bowl of black thingy which later was confirmed as soya and proceeded to plunge that sashimi, ginger, soya into a green thingy which by the by, I wished I had known before hand... liberally I dabbed my sashimi, ginger, soya and green-coloured thingy and stuffed this splendid bundle into my mouth and... VIOLA! my chair shot back and as I fumbled for my glass of water, the newbies around me gave me that 'look' (yeah right... the same "look" I had given the guy near my table just moments ago) and sniffled. The fiery streak of my nerves have never been exposed to something so freakishly devilish that this green-thingy which shot fire through my nostrils and blasted every opening in my body with every fluid that could possibly explode from them. Duh! that "WASABI" I wish I had known earlier.
Since then I take a lot of friends to introduce them to Japanese Cuisine and I never miss the chance to check out the 'Wasabi-effect' on them... just one of the many devilish pleasures of the world to sit back and smile when you get to see someone else's tongue on fire. hahaha!